New Computer Notes
- An Intel Pentium 4 Processor is recommended. A Celeron processor may
save you money in the short term, however may cost you more long term.
- 256MB RAM is a bare minimum. (384+ is recommended for home users;
512+ is recommended for business users).
- Windows XP Home Edition is sufficient for most home computers, though
"power users" may wish to use the Professional edition.
- Windows XP Professional Edition should be considered necessary for the vast
majority of business computers.
- If you know you will need MS Office, it is much less expensive to purchase
with a new computer.
- Many new computers do not ship with a 1.44MB floppy disk drive. You
may have to add this to the computer configuration if you will need one.
- Most new computers are not configured in an optimal manner.
- Contact BGCS for new computer buying
advice or to "optimize" your new computer - to keep it running better,